Book Bouquet
Book Bouquet
Give the book lover in your life the ultimate Valentine’s Day gift—a Book Bouquet! This unique arrangement combines the beauty of fresh flowers with the joy of a captivating story. Choose from one of five specially curated titles, each wrapped with care and nestled among vibrant blooms to create a stunning and heartfelt gift.
Perfect for bookworms, romantics, and anyone who appreciates the power of words and nature’s beauty, our Book Bouquets are more than just a present—they’re an experience. Delight their senses with the scent of fresh flowers and the promise of a literary escape.
📚 Available Titles:
- Love Your Life by Sophie Kinsella
- A Not So Meet Cute by Meghan Quinn
- This Spells Love by Kate Robb
- Better Than Fiction by Alexa Martin
- The Starless Sea by Erin Morgenstern
🌹 Includes:
- A full floral arrangement of seasonal flowers in romantic hues.
- Your chosen book, elegantly wrapped for an extra touch of charm.
Please note: Flower arrangements may differ from the pictured arrangement due to seasonal availability.
💌 Looking for a different title?
If you have a specific book in mind, send us a message! We’ll let you know if it’s possible to include and provide a custom quote.
🎁 Add a Gift Card!
Let us know if you’d like to include a gift card to make your bouquet even more special.
🗓 Key Dates:
- Final Order Date: January 24st
- Pick-Up Dates: February 13th or 14th at The Book Room
🚗 Delivery Not Available
All bouquets must be picked up in-store.
If shipping is selected, the order will be canceled.
Order now to make their Valentine’s Day unforgettable!
Shipping/delivery unavailable. DO NOT SELECT SHIPPING.
Pick will be available on February 13th and 14th.